Women in Business

5 Lessons on Entrepreneurship I’ve Learned from other Women Entrepreneurs

Women Entrepreneurs Houston – Over the course of my entrepreneurial journey, I have had the pleasure of meeting some pretty remarkable women who are all flourishing in some area or another in their respective fields.

On multiple occasions, I’ve interviewed women from varied backgrounds for my podcast SOB: Style of Business, connected with them in the gym, during events and collaborated on projects. From the upbeat marketing professional who has built her business on bringing people together through networking to the inspirational fitness entrepreneur who encourages everyone she comes into contact with to always give their best, there is something to be learned from watching the way these ladies operate in the world of business.

While each of them has their own strengths, talents and abilities, I’ve noticed several commonalities that continue to emerge time and time again.

In addition to the handful of lessons that I’ve listed below seeing a group of women support each other through thick and thin has been very inspiring and it motivates me to do the same. It’s been a privilege to regard these attributes as invaluable lessons in which we can all use to our advantage.

Lesson One: Fitness and mental health is extremely important

Whether it’s through quieting your mind during meditation or practicing breathing techniques during yoga making sure your fitness and mental health are taken care of our top priority. In order to excel in anything, having a strong mind and body will sustain you in every aspect of your business. Whether you find yourself in multiple brainstorming sessions with a client or having to haul in a boatload of supplies to your office space, having the strength on both fronts is key.

Lesson Two: There is no try

We all know running a business can be difficult and there are unexpected challenges but having the fortitude to persevere is beneficial for the long game. When obstacles come about you can either choose to move through whatever is holding you back or choose not to do anything at all.

One of the best lessons I’ve learned is this one. You either do it or you don’t. There is no try. Do you try to make it to work on time? You either do or you don’t. One thing I do know is that once you’ve stepped forward in making an effort you’ve made it through half the battle and the rest is a matter of things working out.

Lesson Three: Transitions are completely acceptable

In a world of change, things are bound to take on a different shape, form and even meaning. One thing I’ve taken away from being around other women entrepreneurs is that it’s okay to move on to something new. As we grow and mature, things that once captured our attention or inspired us can quickly turn into something of the past and it’s okay to move on.

For many of us, we get into a routine of always trying to help and please others that we forget about what makes us happy. When we finally realize that we’ve outgrown our space and it’s time to move on, we should accept the change in season and gracefully move forward with smiles on our faces. Transitions and change are a part of our personal growth and development.

Lesson Four: Enjoy what you do

Women Entrepreneurs Houston – We oftentimes start our careers with a sincere passion for making a difference and being able to contribute in ways that allow our creativity to blossom but years of our everyday routines can bring about indifference and a strong desire for a career overhaul.

As discussed above, transitions are okay. In fact, transitions give us an opportunity to start fresh and tap into other things we’re great at. One of the biggest takeaways from starting anything at all or starting something new is to actually enjoy what you do. If you don’t enjoy what you’re doing and you think the money will sustain your happiness you’re wrong. That song you’re singing to yourself will only play for so long before you’re begging for a new tune.

Lesson Five: Knowing your Why

Women Entrepreneurs Houston – Just as important as the other lessons, knowing your way is something that most of us don’t figure out until we’ve experienced enough to know what we don’t want. The reason why knowing the why is important is being clear about your goals will help you focus on what’s important and weed out all the crap that isn’t. We can also forget our why.

During times of burnout, I’ve learned it’s important to look inside myself to see if the work that I’m doing is something I enjoy. And more importantly, I had to ask myself why was I doing this type of work and if people were actually benefiting from my contributions. Whether your why is to open a yoga retreat center or to save money for a family vacation, the fact that you know your why is something solid you can rest upon even when distractions come about.

3 Books Every Female Entrepreneur Needs on Her Shelf

If you’re a woman in the business world, you’re likely familiar with the idea of “the boys club.” The realms of industry, innovation and entrepreneurship have long been dominated by males, and there is still a very patriarchal edge that lingers in these settings. As a woman who is also an entrepreneur, you can fell unwanted, threatened or intimidated in these spaces.

The key is to rise above this preconceived notion and do your best without allowing others to compare you based on gender. To be a woman is to be strong, confident and sure of yourself. This should shine through in your business acumen.

Still, it can definitely be hard to be a female entrepreneur some days. You want to shine bright, but the pressures, possible harassment and discrediting can get you down. When you need a positive pick-me-up, try out one of these three amazing books by female entrepreneurs. Once you read these three, keep going back for more – it’s never a bad thing to support female writers and share in their sisterhood.

“Ladies Who Launch” – Victoria Colligan, Beth Shoenfeld, Amy Swift

This is one of the best entrepreneurial introductory reads in the world, let alone just for women. The spin on this book is obviously riddled with female empowerment, but aside from that the advice is ingenious for any entrepreneurs who need a little help launching their first business. Any men who happen to be reading, you should pick this up as well.

Colligan, Shoenfeld and Swift are three female entrepreneurs who have all been in your shoes – a little beaten down by the male environment that they work in, but they put a female and spirited perspective on success. They don’t believe in succeeding in spite of being a woman, they believe in succeeding because you are a woman, and there’s nothing more empowering than that.

“Shark Tales: How I turned $1000 into a Billion Dollar Business” – Barbara Corcoran

Not everyone is born with a silver spoon in their mouth, and that’s incredibly true of “Shark Tank” star Corcoran. Her “rags to riches” story tells the tale of a young waitress bussing tables in a diner who gets a $1000 loan from her boyfriend.

Through hard work and experience, as well as failures and triumphs abound, Corcoran found out that success was still something she could accomplish, even coming from where she did. Now the female entrepreneur is a real estate tycoon who helps others blaze their own trails in the business world.

“Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead” – Sheryl Sandberg

As the CEO of Facebook, Sandberg obvious has a pretty strong business resume, and her success is one that women the world over should triumph. Only recently have women found their foothold in the higher-up tech industries, and Sandberg is paving the way for millions of girls who want a piece of that pie for themselves.

Her book details her success and strategies, but also sends across an even more important message: the world actually needs more female leaders for a myriad of reasons, and it’s time we start allowing it to happen. Sandberg also doesn’t shy away from controversial discussions, like career vs. family and money over enjoying your life.