
How to Use Intuitive Insight to Improve your Life

Intuition is a powerful tool that can help you reach your goals, connect with loved ones, and live your best life. But how does it work? In this article we’ll explore what intuition is and how to use it for your benefit.

Trust yourself.

When you trust yourself, you can rely on your own internal compass to guide you. It’s like having a built-in GPS system inside of you that will point the way toward what is right for you.

Once we learn how to listen to our inner voice and trust ourselves, we can make better decisions in life because these choices are coming from a place of wisdom rather than fear or anxiety.

When we make decisions based on intuition instead of logic, they often lead us down unexpected but necessary paths that help us grow as individuals and become more self-aware people overall.

Know that your gut feeling is a wise teacher.

Your gut feeling is a good teacher. You should listen to it, and trust what it has to say. The more you learn about the power of intuition, the more you’ll realize that relying on your intuition is like reaching out to an old friend who has always been there for you.

Learn from your mistakes.

When you make a mistake, don’t be afraid to admit it and learn from it. If someone gives you feedback on something that could have been handled better or differently, thank them for their input and try to avoid making the same mistake again. And when somebody criticizes you for an action that was wrong or hurtful, take responsibility for whatever role(s) were yours in causing the situation (even if it wasn’t entirely your fault).

Take some time to listen to your gut and check in with it on a regular basis.

It’s not easy to know when to trust your intuition, but if you’re feeling a strong sense of discomfort about something, it’s usually worth paying attention. We may think we know what our gut is telling us and try to ignore it, but ignoring our intuition can lead to disastrous consequences.

Here are some tips on learning how to listen and communicate with your intuition:

  • Learn how to check in with yourself. Intuitive intelligence is all around us, so taking time to simply “feel” could help guide you toward an answer or solution that you couldn’t see before. The more aware we become of this part of ourselves, the better prepared we will be for future challenges in life that require our full attention and focus
  • Ask questions that allow space for curiosity rather than answers based on knowledge or experience alone—this allows for new perspectives on any given situation (or problem) which may lead directly into finding solutions!

Think of your intuition as the voice inside you that guides you.

Intuition is the voice inside you that guides you, and it can help you achieve your goals if you listen to what it says. It’s your inner voice, the voice of your soul. You don’t have to learn how to use intuition—it’s there naturally, but it takes practice to tap into it properly. Trusting yourself enough to follow through with any decision that comes from this inner guidance instead of what other people tell you will strengthen your intuitive abilities over time.

Learn how to listen to your intuition.

Intuition is just a fancy word for gut feeling, and it’s a skill that everyone has. But it’s one that many people don’t know how to use. We don’t realize our intuition is there until we learn how to recognize its signals and then actually follow them for once! If you want an easy way to get started with this, notice the subtle hints that appear in daily life when you go against your gut instinct—you may find yourself being late because you didn’t want to leave earlier than planned, or making decisions based on fear rather than wisdom because they’re easier than trusting yourself, or even missing out on great opportunities because they felt too risky.

  • Trust yourself more often. The first step toward trusting yourself more often is identifying situations where not following your intuition has caused problems in the past; these are called “lessons learned” by psychologists who specialize in helping people improve self-trust (and other aspects of mental health). Once you see those patterns happening again and again, consider if there’s anything about them worth changing—maybe going ahead with something despite having reservations about it would be better than missing out on something great?

Know that when you go against your intuition, it may have negative consequences.

If you ignore your gut instinct, it may have negative consequences. You may miss opportunities or make bad decisions. If you ignore your instincts, you could end up in an unsafe situation. For example, if you ignore a feeling that something is wrong with someone else’s behavior and continue to do business with them anyway, then you’ll likely find yourself dealing with problems later on.

You must also be aware that when we go against our gut instinct it can have negative psychological effects as well. The more we go against what we believe is right or wrong for us personally (our intuition) the more stressed out we become over time because our mind keeps telling us “this isn’t right!” It’s important to know not only how important intuition is but also how much value there is in listening closely to what it has to tell us!

Don’t confuse intuition with fearfulness, paranoia, jealousy, or a sense of superiority.

  • Intuition is not the same as fear. It’s not the same as insecurity or arrogance either. You can have an intuitive gut feeling that something is wrong or that someone isn’t telling you the whole truth, but it doesn’t mean they’re out to get you or that they think they’re better than you because of their status in life.
  • Learn to distinguish between your own thoughts and feelings versus those influenced by others or negative self-talk (e.g., “I’m such a loser”, “Everyone hates me”). Negative self-talk can keep us stuck in our heads instead of moving toward our goals because we’re so busy concentrating on how bad things are instead of how good we want them to be

Trust the insight of others.

Your intuition is a powerful tool. However, it can be difficult to trust your own inner voice because you might feel like you’re making things up in your head or that what you’re hearing is just simply wrong. You may also find yourself battling with self-doubt and fear when using your intuition instead of trusting the wisdom within yourself.

However, if you practice using this tool over time then it’ll become easier for you to trust your gut instinct when making decisions in life. As we mentioned before, it’s important to listen carefully so that your mind doesn’t fill in any blanks or jump to conclusions without actually processing what someone else has told you firsthand (or secondhand). This will help keep things clear and prevent misunderstandings from happening later down the road.

If you trust the wisdom of your gut instinct and learn how to listen to it, then you can use it as a powerful tool for success and happiness

Knowing how to use your gut instinct is important. It can help you make better decisions, avoid danger, and even improve your relationships with others.

So how do you do that? The first step is learning how to trust your natural instincts. When it comes to trusting our instincts, we have two options: we can either listen to them or ignore them. When we ignore our natural instincts by choosing not to listen or act on what they tell us, we’re essentially ignoring a part of ourselves—and that only leads us further away from being able to trust ourselves in the future.

If you want more control over your life and happiness levels (which I’m sure we all do), then learning how to trust yourself should be one of your top priorities. The next time you have a gut feeling, don’t ignore it. Instead, pay attention and listen closely to what it has to say. In this way, you can use your intuition to make better decisions as well as live a more fulfilling life.


Keetria is an entrepreneur, wellness advocate, and brand strategy coach for creatives & entrepreneurs with 16 years of public relations expertise working with some of the world’s leading brands, startups, media personalities, and entertainers. If you would like to work together, don’t hesitate to reach out!

4 Powerful Exercises to Increase Mental Fitness

It’s easy to think of your brain as a physical organ, but it’s more like a muscle. Just like the rest of your body needs exercise to stay healthy, so does your mind. In this article, we’ll share with you four exercises to increase your mental fitness to help you reach your goals in life.

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need a gym membership or special equipment to improve your mental fitness. You can do these exercises anywhere—in your home, at work, on the bus, and any place else you can squeeze in a few minutes to yourself.

These small habits are easy to incorporate into our daily lives: they’re simple tasks that require minimal time and energy but will yield huge results in no time!

Exercise 1: Mindful Breathing

Mental Fitness: This exercise is simple, but it can have a huge impact on your mental fitness. Breathing exercises are one of the easiest ways to calm yourself down and clear your mind after a stressful day or event.

You may think that breathing exercises are only useful for relaxation, but they can also be used as an effective stress management technique. When you’re feeling stressed out, try taking three slow breaths in through your nose and then exhale slowly through pursed lips (exhale for twice as long as you inhaled). Try doing this exercise throughout the day when you start to feel anxious or stressed out so that it becomes easier to calm yourself down when those feelings arise again in the future.

This form of mindfulness practice has been shown to lower blood pressure, heart rate, and anxiety levels; improve sleep quality; reduce pain perception; boost immune system function; decrease chronic stress-related health issues such as depression and insomnia; increase overall well-being; improve overall productivity levels at work or school.

Exercise 2: The Body Scan

Mental Fitness: The body scan is a practice of mindfulness, which means being aware of what you’re doing in the moment. To do a body scan, you must be able to focus all of your attention on one thing without getting distracted by other thoughts. If this is hard for you, think back to the last time that you were completely focused on one thing without getting distracted by other thoughts. It could have been when you were reading this article or finishing an important task at work or school.

The next time that happens again (and it will), recognize how good it feels when your mind isn’t jumping around from thought to thought. These feelings are called happiness and peace; they’re different but go hand-in-hand because both are achieved through stillness and silence in our minds—which can only happen if we practice mindfulness.

The benefits of practicing mindfulness include:

  • Improved memory
  • Reduced stress levels
  • Better sleep quality

Exercise 3: The Self-Esteem Booster

Mental Fitness: Self-esteem is an important part of mental fitness. It’s one of the most vital factors in your overall well-being. When you have high self-esteem, you’re more likely to be able to handle stress better and bounce back from challenges. That’s why we all must work on our self-esteem—and luckily there are many different ways we can do so!

One of the more popular activities for increasing self-esteem is taking time each day to reflect on what you’re grateful for. For example, I’ll go through a list of things that I’m grateful for (like waking up this morning) and then think about how those things apply to me as a person. It helps me feel better mentally because it reminds me that today is a new day of new opportunities; this makes me more confident in my abilities and gives me the motivation needed to try new things or face challenges head-on without fear or hesitation.

Exercise 4: Positive Visualization

  • How to do Positive Visualization:

a. In the morning, visualize yourself going through your day and feeling great about everything you accomplish or complete. You can even dreamily see yourself, like on a beach or in some other relaxing setting.

b. At night before you go to sleep, visualize yourself waking up tomorrow with an alert mind and feeling refreshed and ready for all of today’s challenges.

c. Throughout the day when you feel stressed out or are having a difficult time focusing on what needs to be done, take a few moments to imagine yourself back in that dreamy place where everything seems easier than it really is (or maybe even better than it is). Your mind will immediately relax once again into focus mode so that you can get back on track to completing whatever task is at hand without any further fussing around over details such as “what ifs” or “could haves”.

You can increase your mental fitness by doing small exercises every day.

If you want to increase your mental fitness, it’s important to realize that you can do these exercises anywhere and anytime. You don’t need any special equipment, so there are no excuses! If you’re feeling stuck and don’t know where to start, try doing the exercises with a friend or family member for added support. Just make sure you set aside just a few minutes each day.

We hope you enjoyed learning about these four exercises. If you try one of them, let us know how it goes! We’d love to hear about your experiences with mental fitness and the exercises that help you improve it.


Keetria is an entrepreneur, wellness advocate, and brand strategy coach for creatives & entrepreneurs with 16 years of public relations expertise working with some of the world’s leading brands, startups, media personalities, and entertainers. If you would like to work together, don’t hesitate to reach out!

How to Fit Meditation Into your Busy Schedule

It can be tough to find time to meditate when you’re busy. Between work, family, and other obligations, it’s hard to carve out even a few minutes for yourself. But fit meditation is an incredibly valuable practice, and it’s worth finding a way to make it work for you. In this blog post, we’ll give you tips for fitting meditation into your busy schedule. We’ll also discuss how to meditate when you’re on the go and don’t have any time to spare!

If you’re interested in fit meditation but don’t know where to start, there are plenty of resources available. You can find fit meditation classes at many yoga studios, community centers, and even some gyms. Several apps like Headspace or Exhale offer guided meditation, and many of them are free. Once you’ve found a method that works for you, it’s time to start fitting meditation into your schedule.

Here are a few tips for making fit meditation work with your schedule:

Set aside a specific time each day for meditation. 

It doesn’t have to be first thing in the morning or right before bedtime; pick a time that will work for you and stick to it as best you can. If you find yourself missing a day here and there, don’t worry. Get back on track as soon as possible to increase the likelihood of making meditation a part of your new routine.

Start small. 

If you’re new to fit meditation, you may not be able to sit for an hour at first or even 10 minutes, for that matter. That’s perfectly normal! The best part about meditation is that there’s no set or required time on how long you need to meditate. Start with just a few minutes each day, and gradually increase the length of your meditation as you become more comfortable with it.

Make use of fit meditation tools. 

Guided meditation apps can be extremely helpful when you’re short on time. And if you find yourself struggling to focus, consider using a mala bead bracelet or necklace to help keep your mind from wandering. There are a variety of free mediations you can use from YouTube that will have you stay focused and on schedule. 

Use your commute wisely. 

If you have a long commute, try using that time for fit meditation instead of listening to music or browsing social media. You can also meditate while you’re taking a walk or doing chores around the house. 

Keep a meditation journal. 

Jotting down your thoughts before and after the meditation can help you track your progress and stay motivated. And if you ever have a particularly powerful or insightful meditation experience, write it down! You’ll be surprised at the clarity and insight you can gain from regular mediation sessions

Hopefully, these tips will help you fit meditation into your busy schedule. Remember, even just a few minutes of meditation each day can make a big difference in your overall well-being. So find what works for you and stick with it. 

Do you have any other tips for fitting meditation into a hectic schedule? Share them with us in the comments below! And if you’re looking for more fit meditation resources, be sure to check out our other blog posts on the subject. Thanks for reading 🙂

Keetria is an entrepreneur, wellness advocate, and brand strategy coach for creatives & entrepreneurs with 16 years of public relations expertise working with some of the world’s leading brands, startups, media personalities, and entertainers. If you would like to work together, don’t hesitate to reach out!

How to Overcome Self doubt when Facing Challenges

It’s a painful truth that we all have to face: self-doubt never goes away. Sometimes it can seem like a shadow, always hovering in the background of our minds, ready to rear its ugly head at any moment. Other times, it feels like an active force within us, destroying our capacity to move forward confidently and successfully. But no matter how big or tiny your own self-doubt is, there are always methods to overcome it—and those solutions start with admitting the problem. From there you can get down to tackling the issues making self doubt less of a factor in your world.

6 Steps to Overcoming Self doubt

Acknowledge your feelings

  • Acknowledge your feelings.
  • Don’t be afraid of them.
  • Do not criticize them or yourself for having them.
  • Don’t try to ignore them, push them away, or make them go away by rationalizing them away (e.g., “I am not feeling self doubt!”).
  • Don’t give in to the temptation to rationalize yourself out of the situation (e.g., “I am a fraud and I don’t deserve this opportunity”).

Talk back to your self doubts

When you’re facing challenges, it’s normal to doubt yourself. In reality, self doubt is a natural aspect of the human experience. Even if you are an expert in your field, there will always be areas where your skills are deficient or your experience is insufficient. Self doubt can help make sure that when we try something new, we know how much effort and time we need to put into it before taking on something bigger and more challenging.

Self doubt is not a sign of weakness or incompetence; it is a sign of intelligence! People who don’t have self doubt tend not to challenge themselves as much as those who do because they lack the openness to new ideas and ways of thinking about things (i.e., feedback).

Take action, even if you don’t feel ready

Despite conducting extensive study and knowing the necessary steps, you may still feel unprepared. You may even be unsure where to begin. That’s okay! Jump in and do something, even if it’s not ideal. The most essential thing is to take action and keep moving forward.

Here are some tips for getting started:

  • Take one small step at a time—and then another step after that! Don’t try to think of everything at once or everything will feel overwhelming. Simply take one modest step toward your objective every day (or even an hour) until it becomes second nature to do that work on a regular basis.
  • Ask questions if anything feels unclear or confusing along the way so your self doubt doesn’t creep back up again later down the line when things get more difficult for Whatever the reason (for example, lack of experience).
  • Communicate with people who understand where they’re coming from too—this will help reduce feelings of isolation or depression-related issues down the road when feelings like these inevitably arise anyway due as part of normal human experience over time!”

Reinforce positive thoughts about yourself

There are several ways you can do this. For example, when you think about yourself, remember how resilient and resourceful you’ve been in the past. When someone offers help, make sure to express your gratitude. In addition to recognizing all of the good things in your life, it’s also important to keep an eye on what could go right tomorrow: focus on possible solutions instead of problems. It is not as difficult as you may believe to shift your mindset to one of optimism. It just takes practice and awareness.

If a friend has a problem with another person or thing (like a difficult boss or an unreliable car), try offering solutions or options that have worked well for others in similar situations. Finally, take time every day to focus on the positive aspects that surround us—the sun shining through trees as we walk down our street; rainfall falling as they drip off leaves onto the sidewalk; the cuisine we like eating with friends over dinner—and remind ourselves that these moments do not last forever (but they are important).

Write yourself a letter of recommendation

Write yourself a letter of recommendation. This is an exercise in which you write about yourself from a different perspective: mentor, friend, family member, or even stranger. Consider what they might say about your strengths and limitations, talents, and development opportunities.

Try to picture how they will react to your resume/CV or application form. You might also send this letter to your future self (what do you hope to accomplish in the following five years?) or your prior self (how did you feel when you first started?). Finally, try writing this letter from your point of view, drawing on all of your experience and knowledge.

Remind yourself that you can do it

Remind yourself that you can do it. You’ve faced many problems before, and you’ll be able to overcome this one as well. You are capable of accomplishing anything you set your mind to, so don’t underestimate your abilities to tackle this problem!

No matter how you approach it, acknowledging and facing your self doubt is always the first step to overcoming it

Recognize your sensations. Recognize your feelings of self doubt and do not be scared to admit them. If you can get over the initial agony of realizing this, I promise it will help you conquer your self doubt.

Face your fears straight on. After you’ve acknowledged them, here’s the next step: confront them! Do not let fear prevent you from doing anything else in life; instead, take action regardless of how uneasy or afraid you feel at first—they are just temporary. Getting over them could turn out to be one of the nicest things ever, if only because it involves facing something terrifying but ultimately worthwhile for things to go easily (and even better) further down the road:)

Wrapping up

As you can see, there are numerous approaches to overcoming self doubt. The important thing is to acknowledge it and take action, even if that action is just talking back to your self-doubts. Even if your first step is acknowledging that you have some negative thoughts about yourself, then it’s a start. It’s an important first step toward facing your fears and reaching new heights in life.

Keetria is an entrepreneur, wellness advocate, and brand strategy coach for creatives & entrepreneurs with 16 years of public relations expertise working with some of the world’s leading brands, startups, media personalities, and entertainers. If you would like to work together, don’t hesitate to reach out!

How to Use the Power of Gratitude to your Advantage

The power of gratitude is one that’s often underestimated. When we take the time to be grateful for all the good in our lives, we open ourselves up to even more good and endless possibilities. And studies have shown that gratitude not only makes us happier but also magnetizes our brains for success. In this post, we will explore how gratitude works and how you can start using it today to your advantage!

Gratitude increases dopamine

One of the most fascinating things about gratitude is how it affects the brain. When we are grateful, our brain produces more dopamine, which is a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and happiness. Dopamine also helps us to focus and feel motivated. So not only does gratitude make us feel good, but it also helps us to achieve our goals.

Gratitude increases resilience

Another interesting thing about gratitude is that it increases our resilience. When we are grateful for all the good in our lives, we are better able to cope with the bad. Think about the wonderful things you are grateful for at this moment. Maybe you’re grateful for the breakfast you had this morning, it could be a close family member or your health that you’re most grateful for. Practicing gratefulness and being thankful increases your awareness of the things you truly appreciate. Gratitude helps us to see the world in a more positive light and to value the good in our lives, even when things are tough.

So how can you use gratitude to your advantage?

One of the best ways to do this is to keep a gratitude journal. Every day, set aside 10-15 minutes to write down at least three things you are grateful for; This exercise can include anything from the sun shining to your favorite coffee shop being open. Over time, you will start to notice how much good there is in your life and how gratitude can help you to achieve your goals! Eventually, you’ll get to the point where gratitude becomes a new habit and you’ll start focusing more on the things you enjoy.

Another great way to use gratitude is to share it with others. When we take the time to express our gratitude towards others, we not only make them feel good but also strengthen our relationships. So next time you’re feeling grateful, why not reach out to a friend or family member and let them know?

Gratitude is a powerful tool that can help us to be happier and more successful. We hope this has inspired you to start using gratitude to your advantage! Thanks for reading 🙂

Keetria is an entrepreneur, wellness advocate, and brand strategy coach for creatives & entrepreneurs with 16 years of public relations expertise working with some of the world’s leading brands, startups, media personalities, and entertainers. If you would like to work together, don’t hesitate to reach out!






How to Jump Start your Mindfulness Routine

If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve heard of mindfulness and are interested in testing it out for yourself. That’s great! Mindfulness can be a powerful tool for improving your life and well-being. But where do you start? This brief guide will walk you through the basics of mindfulness and provide tips on how to create your mindfulness routine.

Mindfulness is the practice of paying attention to the present moment, without judgment. That means being aware of your thoughts, feelings, and sensations without getting caught up in them. Mindfulness can help you learn to control your reactions to stressors and increase your overall satisfaction with life.

There are many ways to practice mindfulness. You can meditate, do yoga, or simply focus on your breathing. Some people even use a candle flame or other objects to focus their attention but the goal is the same – to center your mind. It is important to find a method that works for you and stick with it. Try different things until you find something that feels comfortable and helpful.

Powerful Mindfulness Routine Tips for Beginners

Here are a few tips for starting a mindfulness routine:

  • Set aside some time each day for mindfulness. Just like brushing your teeth or taking a shower, make mindfulness routine part of your daily routine.
  • Start small. If you’re new to practicing mindfulness, it’s okay to start with just a few minutes each day. You can gradually increase the amount of time you spend on mindfulness as you become more comfortable with it.
  • Find a comfortable place to sit or lie down. You don’t need to go to a special place to be mindful, but it can help to find a spot that’s quiet and free from distractions.
  • Close your eyes and focus on your breath. Once you’re in a comfortable position, simply close your eyes and focus on your breath. Notice the sensation of the air moving in and out of your lungs. Don’t try to control your breath, just let it flow naturally.
  • Pay attention to your thoughts and feelings. As you focus on your breath, you may find that your mind starts to wander. That’s okay! Just notice when it happens and gently bring your attention back to your breath. You may also notice certain thoughts or emotions arising. Again, simply observe them without judgment and let them go.

Mindfulness Routine takes practice, but it’s well worth the effort. By taking the time to be mindful each day, you can learn to control your reactions to stressors and increase your overall satisfaction with life. There is no way you can get it wrong so give mindfulness a try today!

Keetria is an entrepreneur, wellness advocate, and brand strategy coach for creatives & entrepreneurs with 16 years of public relations expertise working with some of the world’s leading brands, startups, media personalities, and entertainers. If you would like to work together, don’t hesitate to reach out!

6 Powerful Strategies for Building Self-Confidence and Positivity

It’s certainly true that some people are naturally more confident than others, nobody is born with endless amounts of self-confidence. So, if you want to boost your self-esteem and become a more positive person, it is something you’ll have to work at.

Here are six simple tips that should provide inspiration on the journey to becoming a more confident person.

1. Surround Yourself With Positive People

Positivity begets positivity. Make a conscious effort to surround yourself with positive, confident people, and it will soon rub off on you. Let them be your inspiration as you drive each other toward greatness.

2. Visualize Your Future

Anything is possible in this world, but you won’t get anywhere until you’ve pictured yourself achieving those dreams. Aside from giving you the self-confidence of knowing you can do it, this step will prepare you for those situations once they arrive.

3. Push Yourself Further

A lack of confidence is often characterized by self-doubting and a fear of taking on new challenges. Whether it’s doing something that scares you or learning a new skill, a continued sense of self-improvement will work wonders.

4. Deal With Rejection

Whether it’s your personal life or career, not everyone will agree with you or see value in your ideas. Make a conscious effort not to take things personally, and this immunity will ultimately lead to self-confidence.

5. Take Care Of Yourself

Self-care and self-confidence are very closely linked. Be sure to take care of your physical and emotional health to feel stronger and more positive than ever. Focus on becoming the best version of yourself to unlock heightened confidence.

6. Focus On Achievable Goals

Even if your goal is to accomplish something truly incredible, it’s important to create milestones along the way. Aside from providing guidance, having milestones in place removes the fear that the mountain ahead is unconquerable.

Being self-confident won’t suddenly protect you from all the negative thoughts and episodes of self-doubt, but it will bring positivity to your world. You’ve got this.

Keetria is an entrepreneur, wellness advocate, and brand strategy coach for creatives & entrepreneurs with 16 years of public relations expertise working with some of the world’s leading brands, startups, media personalities, and entertainers. If you would like to work together, don’t hesitate to reach out!

5 Exercises to Help You Carve out 6-Pack Abs

Summer is already in full swing thanks to the fantastic weather, and it’s almost time to get out on the beach and enjoy showing off your summer body. However, you might feel like your body isn’t at its peak yet, but it’s still not too late to grind through some reps and carve out those 6-pack abs that you’ve been working towards.

In this article, we’ll be giving you five brilliant exercises that will help you speed up the process and carve out those 6-pack abs before you hit the beach.


A simple no-equipment exercise that you can do virtually anywhere with a mat. It targets your upper and lowers abs together, making it versatile as well as being easy to perform. Simply sit on the floor with your legs out in front of you. Have your hands holding onto the sides for support. Bring your legs up as far as possible while also bringing your torso towards your legs. Hold this position for a few seconds, then return to the start and repeat it.

Bicycle Crunches

Bicycle crunches are an excellent move to target the obliques. The side-to-side twisting motion activates the rectus abdominis and also helps to work those love handles. Simply lay on your back on the floor. Extend your legs and bend your arms with your hands by your ears. Contract your core and raise your upper body off the floor, twisting to the side as you do it. Next, bring your opposite leg up during the twist so your knee touches your elbow. Once they’re close to touching, pause for a moment then lower your leg. As you do this, repeat the same movement on the other side of your body.

Exercise Ball Knee Tuck

This simple move requires an exercise ball and targets the obliques, triceps, chest, and shoulders. Position yourself prone with legs extended, balancing your forefoot on your exercise ball. Your hands should be under your shoulders, elbows straight. Once balanced, contract your abs and bring your knees to your chest, rolling on the ball. Pause when contracted and then reverse your direction, rolling the ball out as you extend.

Mountain Climbers

Mountain climbing is a cardio exercise, but it can also target your abs if you focus on your core. It’s fantastic for calorie burning but also helps your upper body. Start in a plank position first, then pull your right knee towards your chest. As you do this, tighten your abs so you don’t break your plank. Switch to the other knee will simultaneously push your other leg back. Repeat this so that you’re in a “running” motion.

Hanging Knee Raises

Hanging knee raises are excellent for the lower abs and obliques. Get into a hanging position with an overhead bar, using a slightly wider grip than usual. Contract your abs and lift your knees up as high as you can. Remain as motionless as possible so that you aren’t swinging. Hold the position, then lower your knees to finish the rep.

Here’s 3 Tips To Help You Create The Life You Want

Are you feeling less than satisfied with your life at the moment? Would you like to learn about some excellent method for turning your situation around and building a future you will cherish? Then take a moment to consider the three tips published in this article. Each of these ideas will help you to identify and achieve your life goals, and they will also help you to remove any harmful elements that might have an adverse effect on your mood and existence. None of these ideas are complicated, and you can make use of them all without spending lots of money.

Tip 1: Broaden your mind with travel

There is no getting away from the fact that travel is often the best way to expand your horizons, find new opportunities, and learn more about yourself as a person. If you can afford to take a break from work and visit a foreign country for only a few days; you will arrive home feeling revitalized and filled with new ideas. People who don’t travel often see life through horse blinkers, and they never witness the endless possibilities that rest just outside of their narrow view. You never want that to happen to you, and so you must travel as much as possible.

Tip 2: Take some “me” time

Do you make time for yourself to relax during your busy working week? Going to the gym or drinking in a local bar on Friday nights doesn’t count. “Me” time should involve doing something alone so you can gather your thoughts and come up with lots of new ideas and dreams. If you don’t do that at the moment, now is the best time to make space in your diary so you can walk around a local park, drive out to a spot with a fantastic view, or something like that. Your goal is to spend some peaceful and quiet time with yourself.

Tip 3: Read as much as possible

Most people think their education stops when they leave school or university. However, the truth is that’s when your real learning begins. Adults who read about world history, different cultures, and just about anything else that sparks their interests will always find it easier than most to create the life they want. As the old saying goes, knowledge is power, and you are never going to come up with the perfect solution to your issues if you don’t learn as much as possible.

Those three tips, while straightforward, could make a significant difference to your life during the next few years. So, if you’re out there trying to come up with a perfect new business idea or something similar, be sure to make use of the advice from this article because you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Even if you don’t have any particular ambitions right now, the tips listed on this page might assist you in forming some. If you never have a dream; you’ll never have a dream come true, right?

How Positive Thinking Affects the Mind and Body

When you’re down on yourself or your business, it can be tough to even ponder positive thinking. However, there are a wide variety of benefits to focusing on the bright side. Optimism can help your business, your mind, and your body. Let’s take a look at a few of the benefits of positive thinking:

Build Skills

Positive thinking allows you to build skills that you might not otherwise be able to build, as you can focus on how to build the skill and the technique required, instead of panicking about how you’re going to be able to build it. The more time that you spend worrying about learning something and working yourself up about your lack of skill, the more time you aren’t focusing on mastering that skill. This means that once you’ve wrapped your mind around the idea of positive thinking, it becomes possible to build the skills that you need far faster than you would have previously imagined.

Boost Immunity

Positive thinking can also work to actually strengthen your body’s immune system. This means that instead of your immune system being constantly dragged down by negative thinking and stress, making you sick more frequently, you may actually be able to boost your immune system by focusing on positive ideas instead. This could mean fewer sick days, fewer doctors visits, and fewer days laid up feeling generally unwell. A strong immune system is better for your overall health, but also helps you make it through your day to day tasks more efficiently without the worry of falling behind due to illness.

Increase Overall Resilience

You can also increase your overall resilience by focusing on the positive things in life instead of the negative ones. This can help you to boost your overall resilience as a person, both physically and mentally, so that you can become more powerful and focused. Instead of wasting time worrying about all the things that could happen tomorrow, you can instead focus on the things that are happening today and managing them as well as possible. This level of resilience can help you to go much further in life, allowing you to brush problems off your shoulders and keep moving forward.

Cope with Stress More Effectively

Those who don’t manage stress effectively quickly find that it eats them alive. Stress can cause a wide variety of physical and mental symptoms if it isn’t managed well, and can lead to serious health issues such as high blood pressure, migraines, and heart issues over time. Taking the time to focus on the positive instead of the negative can help you manage the stress that you are experiencing and reframe it more accurately, in a way that you can manage more effectively.

While these aren’t all of the benefits of positive thinking, they’re certainly some of the most noticeable. For busy business owners, focusing on the positive aspects of life can sometimes seem overwhelming, but it’s often well worth the effort.

Keetria is an entrepreneur, wellness advocate, and brand strategy coach for creatives & entrepreneurs with 16 years of public relations expertise working with some of the world’s leading brands, startups, media personalities, and entertainers. If you would like to work together, don’t hesitate to reach out!


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