
The Synergy of Mindfulness, Creativity and Entrepreneurship

The ability to innovate, adapt, and deal with obstacles creatively is often the key to success in the rapidly changing world of entrepreneurship. In recent years, there has been a growing awareness of the link between mindfulness, creativity, and entrepreneurship.

According to Valliere and Hassannezhad’s (2019) research, mindfulness promotes creativity, which is critical in the development of novel business ideas. This emphasizes the importance of understanding the link between mindfulness, creativity, and entrepreneurship in today’s competitive environment. 

As entrepreneurs strive to stay ahead of the competition and carve out a market niche, leveraging the power of mindfulness and creativity can be transformative. 

Join us for an exploration of how mindfulness, creativity, and entrepreneurship work together to drive innovation, resilience, and success.

Understanding Mindfulness, Creativity, and Entrepreneurship

Defining Mindfulness, Creativity, and Entrepreneurship

The Connection of Mindfulness, Creativity, and Entrepreneurship

Mindfulness cultivates awareness and presence, whereas creativity promotes innovation and problem-solving. Mindfulness helps entrepreneurs make informed decisions, manage stress effectively, and remain resilient. 

In contrast, creativity enables entrepreneurs to identify opportunities, envision novel solutions, and differentiate their offerings in the market.

They work together to create a powerful synergy that fuels entrepreneurial success while encouraging continuous growth and innovation.

Mindfulness in Entrepreneurship

Enhancing Entrepreneurial Mindset and Behavior

Mindfulness practices, such as meditation and deep breathing exercises, can help entrepreneurs cultivate a resilient mindset and emotional intelligence. Because mindfulness promotes self-awareness and reduces reactivity, entrepreneurs can navigate uncertainty and adversity with grace and composure.

A study by Ali E. Ahmed suggests that mindfulness practices may enhance an entrepreneur’s capacity to cope with stress, setbacks, and ambiguity, all of which are common challenges encountered in the startup world. 

Examples of Mindfulness Techniques for Entrepreneurs

  • Mindful Breathing: Taking a few moments to concentrate on your breathing can help entrepreneurs center themselves and reduce stress.
  • Body Scan Meditation: This practice involves systematically scanning and releasing tension from the body, promoting relaxation and mental clarity.
  • Mindful Walking: Mindful walking can help entrepreneurs stay in the present moment and stimulate creativity.

Creativity in Entrepreneurship

Power of Creativity

Creativity is vital to a successful entrepreneur because it fosters growth, differentiation, and innovation. By encouraging creative thinking and cultivating an experimental culture, entrepreneurs can create new opportunities and propel their businesses forward. 

According to one study, creativity is essential to understanding entrepreneurship, emphasizing its role in navigating uncertainty and driving innovation.(source: The Role of Creativity in Entrepreneurship)

Strategies for Nurturing Creativity

  • Encourage Divergent Thinking: Brainstorming sessions and idea-generation exercises can help to stimulate creative thinking.
  • Embrace Failure as a Learning Opportunity: Foster a growth mindset among your team members by viewing failures as valuable learning opportunities.
  • Seek Inspiration from Diverse Sources: To spark your creative imagination, expose yourself to a variety of perspectives, industries, and disciplines.

Integrating Mindfulness and Creativity in Entrepreneurial Practices

Enhancing Creativity Through Mindfulness

According to research, mindfulness practices can boost creativity by quieting the mind, lowering self-criticism, and cultivating a receptive state of mind. Entrepreneurs who incorporate mindfulness into their daily routines can unleash their creative potential and approach challenges from new perspectives.

Practical Approaches to Integration

  • Mindful problem-solving involves tackling business challenges with an open and curious mindset, allowing creative solutions to emerge naturally.
  • Mindful Decision-Making: Practice mindful decision-making by pausing to consider options and the long-term consequences of decisions.
  • Mindful Communication: To foster a mindful communication culture, encourage active listening, empathy, and nonjudgmental responses in your team. This approach can improve collaboration, resolve conflicts constructively, and foster understanding among team members.
  • Mindful Time Management: Use mindfulness-based time management techniques to help entrepreneurs prioritize tasks, manage distractions, and stay focused. Techniques like the Pomodoro Technique and time-blocking can boost productivity and efficiency while lowering stress.
  • Mindful Networking: Approach networking opportunities with mindfulness, focusing on making genuine connections, actively listening to others, and remaining in the present moment. This strategy can result in more meaningful relationships, valuable collaborations, and new business opportunities. 

Overcoming Challenges at the Intersection of Mindfulness, Creativity, and Entrepreneurship

Addressing Common Obstacles

Entrepreneurs may encounter obstacles like resistance to change or stakeholder skepticism when incorporating mindfulness and creativity into their businesses. 

By acknowledging these obstacles and taking a proactive approach, entrepreneurs can better navigate challenges and foster an innovative and well-being culture.

Strategies for Success

  • Lead by Example: Showcase the importance of mindfulness and creativity in your own leadership style. Show your team the importance of being present, open-minded, and innovative when making decisions and solving problems.
  • Create a Supportive Environment: Encourage a culture of psychological safety and experimentation in which employees feel empowered to take risks and pursue innovative ideas. Encourage open communication, constructive feedback, and a desire to learn from successes and failures.
  • Encourage collaboration and cross-functional teamwork to maximize your team’s collective creativity. Create brainstorming sessions, collaborative projects, and knowledge-sharing opportunities to generate new ideas and perspectives.
  • Provide Resources and Training: Invest in resources and training programs to help your team members develop mindfulness and creativity. Provide workshops, seminars, and online courses on mindfulness practices, creative thinking, and problem-solving strategies.
  • Encourage Work-Life Balance: Understand the significance of work-life balance in fostering creativity and well-being. Encourage employees to prioritize self-care, take frequent breaks, and pursue hobbies and interests outside of work to recharge and revitalize their creative energies.

Case Studies and Success Stories

Real-World Examples of Mindful and Creative Entrepreneurship

Case Study #1: Headspace

Headspace, a meditation app founded by Andy Puddicombe and Rich Pierson, exemplifies the relationship between mindfulness and entrepreneurship. 

Headspace has cultivated a global community of millions of users by leveraging technology to make meditation accessible and engaging, revolutionizing how people approach mental health.

Case Study #2: AirBnB

Airbnb, founded by Brian Chesky, Joe Gebbia, and Nathan Blecharczyk, exemplifies the power of creativity in entrepreneurship. 

Airbnb has disrupted the travel industry by transforming the concept of hospitality and accommodation. It allows individuals to monetize their spaces while also fostering global connections and cultural exchange.

Case Study #3: Tesla

Tesla, founded by Elon Musk, is a prime example of mindful and creative automotive entrepreneurship. Tesla revolutionized the electric vehicle market by focusing on sustainability and innovation. 

Tesla has redefined transportation by combining cutting-edge technology, sleek design, and a commitment to renewable energy.

Cultivating a Mindful and Creative Entrepreneurial Culture

Leadership Strategies for Promoting Mindfulness and Creativity

Effective leadership is critical for cultivating a culture of mindfulness and creativity in entrepreneurial organizations. Leaders can foster an environment conducive to innovation and individual growth by prioritizing employee well-being, encouraging experimentation, and celebrating diverse perspectives.

Some Actionable Steps for Implementation:

  • Encourage employees to maintain a healthy work-life balance by establishing boundaries, taking breaks, and prioritizing self-care. This can help to prevent burnout and create a more positive and productive work environment.
  • Create Designated Creative Spaces: Set aside workplace areas for brainstorming, ideation, and creative collaboration. These spaces should encourage creativity and provide tools and resources to support innovation.
  • Develop a Feedback Culture: Encourage team members to communicate openly and provide constructive feedback. Create regular feedback sessions where employees can share ideas, provide feedback, and make suggestions for improvement. 
  • Provide Continuous Learning Opportunities: Provide ongoing training and development programs to help employees improve their skills and stay current on the latest trends and technologies. Workshops, seminars, online courses, and mentorship programs are all possible options.
  • Recognize and celebrate both successes and failures as essential learning opportunities. Encourage a culture of experimentation and risk-taking, with failure seen as a natural part of the creative process. 

In Summary

The link between mindfulness, creativity, and entrepreneurship is undeniable. 

Entrepreneurs who incorporate mindfulness practices into their daily routines and embrace creative thinking can realize their full potential, drive innovation, and achieve long-term success. 

As you begin your entrepreneurial journey, remember to practice mindfulness, foster creativity, and embrace the possibilities that await you.

Keetria is an entrepreneur, wellness advocate, and brand strategy coach for creatives & entrepreneurs with 16 years of public relations expertise working with some of the world’s leading brands, startups, media personalities, and entertainers. If you want to work together, don’t hesitate to reach out!

The Art of Problem-Solving: Using Creative Insight to Drive Business Success

In small business, success is often determined by an entrepreneur’s ability to solve problems effectively. The challenges small businesses face can be overwhelming, but with the right approach, they can also present opportunities for growth and innovation. In this article, we’re delving into the art of problem-solving and exploring how creative insight can be a powerful tool in driving small business success. By combining analytical thinking with innovative ideas, entrepreneurs can tackle obstacles head-on and pave the way for long-term prosperity.

Understanding the Power Art of Problem-Solving

Creative insight is thinking beyond conventional boundaries, allowing us to see new perspectives and discover unique solutions. In the context of small business, creative insight is an invaluable asset. It enables entrepreneurs to identify opportunities, differentiate themselves from competitors, and adapt to a constantly evolving marketplace. Small business owners can unlock their full potential and maximize their chances of success by cultivating a mindset that embraces the art of problem-solving.

Embracing a Growth Mindset

To harness the power of creative insight, entrepreneurs must cultivate a growth mindset. This mindset focuses on continuous learning, resilience, and adaptability. By recognizing that challenges are growth opportunities, small business owners can approach problem-solving with enthusiasm and curiosity. Embracing a growth mindset allows entrepreneurs to navigate uncertainties, overcome obstacles, and drive innovation within their organizations.

Encouraging a Culture of Creativity

Creating an environment that fosters creativity is crucial for small business success. By encouraging employees to think outside the box, share ideas, and experiment with new approaches, entrepreneurs can tap into a wealth of creative insights within their teams. Establishing open lines of communication, celebrating diverse perspectives, and providing opportunities for collaboration can all contribute to a culture of creativity. When every organization member feels empowered to contribute, problem-solving becomes a collective effort that drives business success.

Leveraging Data and Analytics

Creative insight should not overshadow the importance of data and analytics in problem-solving. Small businesses can leverage data to deeply understand their target audience, market trends, and competitors. By combining this analytical information with creative thinking, entrepreneurs can make informed decisions and devise innovative strategies. Data-driven insights can also help small businesses measure their progress, optimize their operations, and identify new areas for growth.

Building Strategic Partnerships

Collaborating with like-minded individuals and organizations can be a catalyst for art of problem-solving. Strategic partnerships provide access to new perspectives, resources, and expertise, enabling small businesses to tackle complex challenges more effectively. By forging alliances with complementary businesses or industry experts, entrepreneurs can tap into a broader pool of creative insight, expand their networks, and open doors to new opportunities.

Continuous Learning and Adaptation

Small businesses thrive in an evolving business landscape by embracing continuous learning and adaptability. By staying abreast of industry trends, actively participating in conferences, seeking guidance from mentors, and investing in professional development, entrepreneurs can proactively stay ahead of the curve and nurture their art of problem-solving abilities. Adapting to new technologies, market shifts, and customer demands is essential for long-term success in a competitive business environment.

Brief Recap

The art of problem-solving is a vital skill for small business success. Entrepreneurs can transform challenges into opportunities by leveraging creative insight, embracing a growth mindset, fostering a culture of creativity, combining data with analytics, building strategic partnerships, and committing to continuous learning. Art of problem-solving enables small businesses to innovate, differentiate themselves from competitors, and build resilient organizations that thrive in a dynamic marketplace. By mastering the art of problem-solving, small business owners can navigate the path to success with confidence, creativity, and strategic insight.

Keetria is an entrepreneur, wellness advocate, and brand strategy coach for creatives & entrepreneurs with 16 years of public relations expertise working with some of the world’s leading brands, startups, media personalities, and entertainers. If you would like to work together, don’t hesitate to reach out!

Fueling Creativity: The Benefits of a Healthy Diet and Exercise Routine

A healthy diet and exercise routine are commonly associated with physical well-being, but their positive impact extends far beyond that. Adopting a healthy lifestyle can significantly enhance your creativity and overall cognitive function. This article will explore the connection between a healthy diet and regular exercise and the benefits they bring to fueling creativity. Whether you’re an artist, writer, or someone looking to boost their innovative thinking, understanding how nutrition and exercise contribute to creative thinking can transform your approach to work and life.

Nutrition and Brain Health

The food we consume is crucial in supporting brain health, directly impacting our creative abilities. A well-balanced diet abundant in vital nutrients, vitamins, and minerals provides the brain with the necessary sustenance for optimal functionality. For example, omega-3 fatty acids are commonly known to help promote healthy brain function and improve cognitive performance. Antioxidant-rich foods, such as berries and dark leafy greens, protect brain cells from damage caused by free radicals.

Moreover, certain foods boost neurotransmitter production, which can enhance mood and cognitive function. For instance, consuming foods rich in tryptophan, such as turkey, eggs, and bananas, can increase serotonin levels, a neurotransmitter associated with happiness and creativity. Additionally, incorporating complex carbohydrates like whole grains and legumes into your healthy diet provides a steady release of glucose, the brain’s primary energy source, ensuring sustained mental clarity and focus.

Exercise and Cognitive Function

Regular exercise has numerous benefits for the brain and overall cognitive function. For one, regular exercise increases the blood flow to the brain increases, delivering oxygen and essential nutrients necessary for optimal brain performance. Engaging in exercise also stimulates the release of endorphins, neurotransmitters known to foster a sense of well-being and alleviate stress, ultimately promoting a positive influence on creativity.

Studies have demonstrated that aerobic activities such as running, swimming, or cycling positively impact cognitive function and memory retention. These exercises stimulate the production of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a protein that aids in the growth and development of brain cells, leading to enhanced learning capacities and more proficient creative thinking. Strength training exercises can also improve executive functions, such as problem-solving and decision-making skills, which are crucial aspects of the creative process.

The Synergy of Healthy Diet and Exercise 

While a healthy diet and exercise have individual benefits for creativity, their combined effects are even more powerful. Proper nutrition fuels the body and mind, while exercise strengthens the brain and enhances cognitive function. Adopting a holistic approach by incorporating both into your daily routine creates an optimal environment for creative thinking and innovation.

Regular physical activity and a balanced healthy diet work hand in hand to reduce stress and enhance mood stability, both of which are essential for unlocking creativity. Physical exercise triggers endorphins, which help alleviate feelings of stress and anxiety. Simultaneously, a diet abundant in nutrients provides the vital components required for neurotransmitters that regulate mood and emotions to be synthesized. Furthermore, exercise can boost the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the brain, improving its overall functionality. 

The increased blood flow resulting from activity amplifies the benefits of a nourishing diet, ensuring that the brain receives the nutrients it needs to perform at its best. This synergy between a healthy diet and exercise contributes to enhanced cognitive abilities, focus, and clarity, enabling you to think more creatively and generate innovative ideas.

In Summary 

Integrating a nourishing healthy diet and regular exercise regimen into your lifestyle yields advantages beyond physical well-being, positively impacting your creativity. A good diet supports brain health and enhances cognitive function, while regular exercise boosts blood flow, releases endorphins, and strengthens the brain. 

Keetria is an entrepreneur, wellness advocate, and brand strategy coach for creatives & entrepreneurs with 16 years of public relations expertise working with some of the world’s leading brands, startups, media personalities, and entertainers. If you would like to work together, don’t hesitate to reach out!

How Pursuing your Hobbies Improves Entrepreneurial Performance

Entrepreneurship is a journey that requires dedication, persistence, and creativity. An entrepreneur’s success depends on various factors, including their skills, experience, and ability to adapt to change. It also boils down to my primary goals of why you want to take on entrepreneurship in the first place. Pursuing hobbies can play a significant role in improving entrepreneurial performance. This article will explore how hobbies can help entrepreneurs succeed and thrive in their businesses.

Hobbies can be a source of inspiration

Entrepreneurship requires creativity and innovation, and pursuing hobbies is an excellent source of inspiration. Hobbies provide a break from the daily work routine and allow entrepreneurial to explore new ideas and perspectives. For example, if an entrepreneur is passionate about photography, they may use their camera to capture unique moments and objects that can inspire new product designs or marketing strategies. Hobbies can also help entrepreneurs explore new interests and hobbies that can be turned into profitable business opportunities. For example, if an entrepreneur enjoys cooking, they can start a food-related business such as a restaurant or catering service.

Hobbies can improve mental health

Entrepreneurship can be stressful, and pursuing hobbies can help entrepreneurs manage their stress levels and improve their mental health. Hobbies can provide an outlet for stress, allowing entrepreneurs to relax and unwind. Indulging in a hobby frequently and consistently can help them return to work feeling refreshed and energized. Hobbies can also improve mental health by providing a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. Entrepreneurial who pursue hobbies can set goals and achieve them, boosting their confidence and self-esteem. When your mental health is in check, you can overcome challenges and setbacks in your businesses.

Hobbies can improve time management skills

Entrepreneurship requires effective time management skills, and pursuing hobbies can help entrepreneurs develop these skills. Hobbies require time and commitment, and entrepreneurs must learn to balance their pursuits with their work responsibilities. Indulging in hobbies helps when it comes to being able to prioritize their tasks and manage their time more effectively. Pursuing hobbies can also help entrepreneurs learn to be more efficient with their time. For example, if an entrepreneur enjoys running, they may learn to run faster and more efficiently, which can translate into improved productivity in their business.

Hobbies can improve networking opportunities

Networking is essential for entrepreneurial, and pursuing hobbies can provide opportunities to network with like-minded individuals. Hobbies can unite people and create community, leading to valuable connections and relationships. For example, if an entrepreneur is passionate about hiking, they may join a local hiking group and meet other business owners who share their interest. This can lead to potential partnerships, collaborations, or even mentorship opportunities.

Hobbies can improve creativity and problem-solving skills

Entrepreneurship requires creativity and problem-solving skills, and pursuing hobbies can help entrepreneurs improve these skills. Hobbies provide a space for entrepreneurs to experiment and explore new ideas, which can help them become more creative in their businesses. For example, if an entrepreneur enjoys painting, they may experiment with different colors and techniques, which can inspire new marketing strategies or product designs. Hobbies can also help entrepreneurs develop problem-solving skills by challenging them to solve difficult or complex problems.

Hobbies can improve work-life balance

Entrepreneurship can be all-consuming, and pursuing hobbies can help Entrepreneurial achieve a better work-life balance. Hobbies provide a sense of fulfillment and enjoyment outside of work, which allows entrepreneurs to avoid burnout and improve their overall well-being. For example, if an entrepreneur enjoys playing a musical instrument, they may schedule regular practice sessions to unwind after a long work day. This can help them disconnect from work and improve their mental and emotional health.

Recap Entrepreneuria

In conclusion, pursuing hobbies can play a significant role in improving entrepreneurial performance. Hobbies can inspire and improve mental health, time management skills, networking opportunities, creativity, problem-solving skills, and work-life balance. As such, Entrepreneurial should not view hobbies

Keetria is an entrepreneur, wellness advocate, and brand strategy coach for creatives & entrepreneurs with 16 years of public relations expertise working with some of the world’s leading brands, startups, media personalities, and entertainers. If you would like to work together, don’t hesitate to reach out!

Breaking the Mold: Using Creativity to Differentiate your Brand

In the current fiercely competitive business environment, it is increasingly crucial for brands to differentiate themselves from their competitors. With so many similar products and services in the market, it can take time for companies to stand out and get noticed. However, by using creativity, businesses can break the mold and set themselves apart.

What is creativity & why its important?

Creativity is the ability to develop unique and innovative ideas different from what already exists. It involves thinking outside of the box and challenging conventional thinking. Creativity is not limited to the arts alone; it also includes business.

When it comes to branding, the main question is how to make your business unique. Using creativity in your branding efforts, you can create a distinctive and memorable brand that resonates with your target audience. A creative brand can also help you connect with your customers on a deeper level and build a loyal following.

Utilizing your creativity to be differentiate
creativity for brand building

Think beyond the logo

While a logo is an essential branding element, it’s just one piece of the puzzle. To truly differentiate your brand, you need to think beyond the logo and consider all the other factors that make up your brand identity. The logo should include your brand’s color palette, typography, tone of voice, and overall visual style.

One example of a company that has done this well to differentiate itself is Airbnb. Instead of using a traditional logo, the company created a symbol that represents the idea of belonging. This symbol is used across the company’s branding efforts and has become a recognizable and memorable element of the Airbnb brand.

Tell a story

People love stories; storytelling in your branding efforts helps to connect with your audience emotionally. By telling a compelling story about your brand, you create a more personable connection with your customers.

One example of a company that differentiates well is TOMS Shoes. The company’s founder, Blake Mycoskie, started after a trip to Argentina, where he saw children without shoes. He created TOMS Shoes as a way to help provide shoes to children in need. TOMS brand has helped the company build a dedicated and loyal base of customers.

Embrace humor

Humor can be a powerful tool in branding. Using humor in your marketing efforts can create a sense of fun and approachability that can help you connect with your audience. However, using humor that aligns with your brand values and doesn’t come across as offensive or insensitive is essential.

One example of a company that uses humor in its branding to differentiate is Old Spice. The company’s “The Man Your Man Could Smell Like” campaign, featuring a shirtless Isaiah Mustafa, was a huge hit and helped the brand appeal to a younger, more male audience.

Be authentic

Consumers are looking for authenticity in the brands they interact with. They want to know that the brands they support are genuine to their values. By being authentic in your branding efforts, you can build trust with your customers and create a sense of loyalty.

One example of a company that differentiates itself well is Patagonia – the company has a solid commitment to the environment. By being true to its values, Patagonia’s customers appreciate the brand’s commitment to sustainability.

Experiment with new mediums

In today’s digital age, there are endless opportunities to experiment with new mediums and technologies. By exploring new ways to communicate with your audience, you can create a unique brand experience that sets you apart.

Nike is a great example of a company that has been successful with new mediums. Nike has used technology to create interactive experiences for its customers, such as the Nike Training Club and Nike Run Club apps. These apps allow customers to track their fitness progress, connect with other Nike users, and access personalized training plans. By using technology in innovative ways, Nike has differentiated a brand experience that goes beyond just selling products.

Collaborate with others

Collaboration can be a great way to bring fresh ideas and perspectives to your branding efforts. By partnering with other brands or individuals, you can create unique and memorable campaigns that stand out.

One example of a successful collaboration is the partnership between Spotify and Uber. These companies collaborated to create a feature that allowed Uber passengers to control the music in their rides using the Spotify app. This partnership began a unique brand experience for both companies and helped them stand out from their competitors.

Take risks

Finally, if you want to break the mold and differentiate your brand, you must be willing to take risks. Taking risks means being open to trying new things, even if they might not work out. You can discover new ideas and approaches to creatively expand your brand by taking risks.

One example of a company that differentiates itself is Red Bull. The energy drink company has been involved in various extreme sports and events, from sponsoring skydiving and base jumping competitions to hosting the Red Bull Flugtag. In this competition, teams build and launch their human-powered flying machines. By taking risks and sponsoring these events, Red Bull has created a brand associated with excitement, adventure, and pushing the limits.


In today’s competitive business environment, creativity is more important than ever for brands that want to differentiate themselves. By thinking beyond the logo, telling a compelling story, embracing humor, being authentic, experimenting with new mediums, collaborating with others, and taking risks, businesses can create unique experiences that resonate with their target audience. Whether you’re a small startup or a large multinational corporation, creativity can help you stand out and build a loyal following of customers who appreciate your brand’s uniqueness and innovation.


Keetria is an entrepreneur, wellness advocate, and brand strategy coach for creatives & entrepreneurs with 16 years of public relations expertise working with some of the world’s leading brands, startups, media personalities, and entertainers. If you want to work together, don’t hesitate to reach out!

The Importance of Sharing your Gift with the World

Updated: March 2024

If we had to agree on one factor that makes human beings unique, it would be the gift of individual creative expression. No matter how small the gift or talent may seem, we each have something special to share that sets us apart from anyone else. Although many of us share similar gifts, we each have our own way of expressing them. Many of us can inspire, motivate, empower, or encourage others without being aware of it. 

Sharing your gift is a way to give back to the world, not because you have to but because it allows others to learn, grow and advance in ways they have yet to experience.

Throughout history, we have heard of people from diverse backgrounds who have shared their gifts or abilities and later become well-recognized for their contributions. Not that recognition should be your primary motive for sharing your gift although public recognition and appreciation from others can happen. 

From novice writers who have found their calling in writing books or poems to talented athletes who have pushed performance boundaries within their sport, we all have something to offer. When these talents are shared, we allow others to enjoy the uniqueness of our gift.

Whatever sets you apart from others is the source of your creative abundance. Your gift and your creativity serve as fuel for others. Taking action will inspire others to do the same. And as the old saying goes, gifts are meant to be shared. Again, you’re not seeking appreciation or validation for sharing your gift – your main focus is to share it. Those individuals drawn to experience your creative talent are the ones who will appreciate it most. But, no one benefits if you’re unwilling to share it first. 

Sharing your gift also provides knowledge for others. So in sharing, we help others navigate their journey. 

This is why we need to move beyond whatever self-doubt or fear we experience. We fuel self-limiting emotions even more when we debate whether we’re talented or good enough to share our work or ideas. By highlighting your gift, you eventually move beyond the fear of being judged and criticized. And again, more importantly, we allow others to experience what it’s like to share in those gifts, which can encourage them to do the same. 

1. Create a Space Online

You could start by creating a blog, social platform, podcast, or YouTube channel that focuses on a topic or subject that lights you up. Any outlet where you can express your ideas through your talent is an excellent place to start when sharing your gift. If you feel stuck when trying to determine the best option for you, ask yourself these three questions:

Who is my audience?

What platform(s) do they use (where can I find them)?

How will using this platform help me reach my audience?
One of the biggest benefits of creating an online space is that it’s something you can do from anywhere in the world. This means you can create a blog from your bedroom or a website from your local coffee shop. A space online allows you to share your work with a broader audience.

Are you a Creator who wants to share your story?

2. Try Volunteering

Check out organizations in your area that are involved in events or discussions that allow you to contribute your gift in some way. This could be through a speaker organization that can help you cultivate your talent or an animal shelter that allows you to work within their organization and work directly with animals waiting to be adopted. 

Volunteering is also a great way to flex your creative muscles. You’ll be working with people with different talents than you, which can give you a new perspective on how to approach problems. You’ll also work toward a common goal, which can help you think outside the box and make connections between seemingly unrelated topics.

Consider the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics data (2022): a staggering 23.9% of Americans volunteered their time. This translates to millions of people sharing their gifts and making a positive impact.

3. Start Performing – Take Action

Whether a speaking engagement or open mic comedy night, putting yourself out there through action is a great way to share your gifts. Consider performing. Even if you’re hesitant about getting on stage, do it in fear, knowing that you’ll get better and better over time. 

Talent is like a muscle: it will atrophy if you don’t use it. You can have all the talent in the world, but if you don’t practice and hone your skills, you won’t get very far. Your goal is to stop sitting on your gifts and start giving them.

Benefits of Sharing Your Gifts

1. Personal Fulfillment

Sharing your talents allows you to express yourself authentically and pursue your passions. This can bring a sense of personal satisfaction and joy as you engage in activities that resonate with you deeply.

Sharing your gifts not only enriches your life but also positively impacts others. Our Creative Strategy Sessions offer expert guidance and tailored strategies to help you effectively share your talents. Unlock your full potential and showcase your creativity with confidence by joining us for a session today.

2. Building Connections

Sharing your gifts isn’t just about expressing yourself—it’s also about building connections and forming meaningful bonds with others who share your passions. Whether you’re collaborating on a project or simply swapping stories and insights, your gifts have the power to bring like-minded people together.

In doing so, you not only create a sense of belonging but also foster a vibrant community where everyone’s contributions are valued.

3. Personal Growth 

Stepping beyond your comfort zone, embracing risks, and challenging yourself are essential for sharing your gifts. This journey of personal growth involves learning new skills, overcoming obstacles, and expanding your horizons.

By daring to explore the unknown, you enrich your experiences and evolve into a better version of yourself.

4.  Developing Creativity and Innovation

Sharing your gifts not only stimulates creativity but also prompts fresh exploration of diverse viewpoints and ideas. This fosters innovation by inspiring you to experiment boldly, embrace calculated risks, and challenge the status quo.

As you push the boundaries of conventional thinking, you open doors to unprecedented possibilities and pave the way for transformative breakthroughs in your field.

5. Making a Difference

Sharing your gifts extends beyond personal satisfaction—it’s about making a difference in the wider world. Whether it’s sparking inspiration, advocating for important causes, or fostering positivity in your community, your contributions have far-reaching impacts. 

By embracing your talents, you play a vital role in creating a brighter future for all.

6.  Happiness and Well-Being

Research demonstrates a clear link between assisting others and utilizing your abilities intentionally to enhance happiness, self-worth, and overall life fulfillment. By leveraging your talents to make a positive impact, you cultivate a sense of significance and direction in your life. 

This connection between giving back and personal well-being highlights the profound benefits of sharing your gifts with the world. (source: APA PsycNet)

7.  Reduced Stress and Anxiety

Helping others and feeling connected to a community can have a calming effect. Studies indicate that it lowers stress hormones and induces a state of relaxation. 

This connection underscores the therapeutic benefits of both giving and belonging. (source: NCBI)


When we have something – a talent or gift – that gives us an endless flow of creativity, peace, freedom, or empowerment, it shows that others could benefit too. When we decide to share, we support the potential for the endless opportunities our gift affords others.

Also. when we keep our gifts to ourselves, we end up diminishing our creativity because we’re not putting anything out to receive new creative energy. Stifling creative energy often leads to dissatisfaction and frustration in our lives. We end up with a surplus of drawings, crafts, and other skills that never see potential.

Many of us tend to discredit ourselves when it comes to our gifts. We agree with the inner critic who often taunts us with the internal noise of doubt, unworthiness, indecision, and fear; These are common characteristics that keep us from advancing our talents to the next level. 

Are you ready to ignite your creativity and share your unique gifts with the world? Don’t wait any longer: schedule your Creative Strategy Session today! Let us work together to develop personalized strategies that will help you reach your full potential and succeed.

3 Ways to Create your Own Mastermind Group

If you are looking for a mastermind group to push past a problem and start thinking creatively, you will need to think carefully about the kind of people you recruit. Problem solving is always about something in a new and creative way so it follows that your process will need to be new and creative too.

Always Recruit Diversely

Diversity is getting more and more attention but unfortunately, it is always more about being inclusive and looking good rather than creating the perfect team. The truth of the matter is that diversity comes in many forms and the more you can tick off the more likely your team will be able to solve any problem put in front of them.

So don’t just think about skin color, think about where people have been brought up and how, what their life experiences are, what their skills are, what their outlook is, how they communicate, what their specialisms are. Businesses are fast realizing that hiring the same people over and again isn’t working. Hire someone who doesn’t think like everyone else and with some encouragement, new ideas will blossom.

Search Near and Far

Technology has well and truly changed the way that we do business now and remote workers are now just as easy to access as those in your hometown. This means that you can broaden your search for the perfect team members and focus on what you are looking for not where you are looking for it.

Conference calling is a good way to host the meeting and you can use tools like Trello to monitor what everyone is doing, even if you are spread across the continents. However, there is something to be said for all sitting in a room together so you should think about whether you are really looking for someone who can come into the office.

Look for Potential and Determination

It is always tempting to hire for experience but this isn’t what a mastermind group is about. Instead, you should be looking for potential, someone who might not have the experience yet but certainly can bring new and fresh ideas to the table. Young people are often overlooked because they lack experience and yet they are often the ones with a new perspective you need.

The other characteristic that shouldn’t be overlooked is determination. Some people are determined to overcome the odds to succeed and they are definitely the type of people you need to inject some enthusiasm into your group. Rather than shrugging at a problem, determined people will approach it from every angle until the problem is cracked. And that is a mastermind approach if ever there was one.

When you create your own mastermind team, you need to look past what you have already tried and go for something new. Put people who wouldn’t usually sit together in the same room and let them figure out the best method for solving the problem. All you need to do is let the magic work.

3 Great Ways To Encourage Youth Entrepreneurship

Today’s youth represents tomorrow’s movers and shakers, so it’s hugely beneficial to encourage youth entrepreneurship. In a world where few people know exactly what they want to do when they leave high school, providing platforms for entrepreneurial flair to flourish is likely to have an incredibly positive impact on the world of business. 

To make things possible for the next generation, here are some of the best ways to promote youth entrepreneurship.

Encourage thinking, discussion and creativity.

Being a successful entrepreneur isn’t just about having ideas or being able to manage a team of people. To make it to the top, you have to have a diverse skill set and an innate desire to ask questions and find solutions. 

As adults, we should be encouraging children and teens to engage in open discussion, indulge their inquisitive nature, and carry out research. Every person is different, and divergent thinking is something to embrace, rather than discourage. It’s useful to debate, question other people’s opinions and ideas and learn to solve problems. 

Young people tend to be more confident about voicing their opinions when they feel safe, and this is why it’s important to provide safe platforms and environments in which to speak. School and college debating classes are an excellent example, and will undoubtedly prepare budding entrepreneurs for boardrooms and event spaces.

Real-life experiences.

You can learn a lot from textbooks and lectures, but real life often provides the most powerful and memorable lessons. If you’ve been contacted by a teenager who expresses an interest in what you do, or a local school or college wants to collaborate with you, consider opening up opportunities that enable young people to gain experience of the working day. Let them sit and watch, observe and digest what’s going on and encourage them to join in. 

We tend to have a vision of entrepreneurialism from TV programs and books, but the real world is often very different. Experiences can teach you more about what’s involved in business, but they can also ignite passions and foster ambition. 

If you’re a business owner eager to encourage new talent to thrive, you can provide access to real-life experiences by offering work placements, on-the-job training, apprenticeships, and internships.

Practical skills.

It’s not possible to learn everything you need to know about life in the big bad world after school or college in the classroom. A high school graduate may emerge with an excellent grasp on Pythagoras’ theorem, but could they manage accounts? 

As a business owner looking for the next leading lights, it pays to encourage the development of practical skills that will equip individuals for an entrepreneurial journey. This can be done through skills workshops, training programs, and even courses that are open to students and those looking to pursue a career in business.

As adults, we have to encourage the next generation to fulfill its potential. Whether you’re a business leader, a freelancer, a creative thinker, or a company executive, you can play your part in encouraging youth entrepreneurship and nurturing the stars of tomorrow.

Keetria is an entrepreneur, wellness advocate, and brand strategy coach for creatives & entrepreneurs with 16 years of public relations expertise working with some of the world’s leading brands, startups, media personalities, and entertainers. If you would like to work together, don’t hesitate to reach out!

NEW! SOB Podcast: The Creative Business of Fine Artist Carole J. McCoy

Fine Artist Carole J. McCoy drops in to speak about her journey into art, what has inspired her work and creativity, and what upcoming goals and accomplishments she is gearing her career towards.

In this 35th episode of SOB: Style of Business podcast, Keetria interviews the Los Angeles-based fine artist, sculptor, painter, and arts advocate Carole J McCoy. She shares her journey into art, what has inspired her work and creativity, and what upcoming goals and accomplishments she is gearing her career towards.

Show Notes:

  • Carole is inspired by Los Angeles, which she was drawn to through modeling and acting.
  • She is an arts advocate, she paints, sculpts, draws, writes, and restructures found objects.
  • Tracing images on television as a child was a start, along with being scouted to model and traveled the world with modeling.
  • Carole’s creative process is that she allows herself to be an observer of life, acknowledging that everything was already here, and she needs to co-create with the ultimate creator: God.
  • Creativity = Observation. Appreciation. Curiosity. Intuition. Desire. Creation.
  • An artist’s responsibility is to tell our stories for future generations to learn from.
  • “Bliss on a Arrival” is a piece she created after a Greek Goddess exhibit, and has been intrigued by the body and form. Klimt is an artist was an inspiration also.
  • “Infinito” is defined by Carol as sculpture on canvas due to the multiple layers of paint involved. The spiritual book called: “Infinite in All Directions” provided some of the inspiration.
  • Nature is Carole’s biggest form of inspiration.
  • She did an “inspirational tour” of NY, where she lived previously in the past but had not been to since 1998.
  • Embracing African American ancestors’ endurance and contributions to society.
  • Romance your mind, body, and soul creatively by traveling, observing, exploring, and allowing yourself to be inspired. Figure out what you want to contribute to the world.
  • “Queen Ancestors” concept came to Carole in her dreams. Pulling from the legacy and energy of strong women.
  • Women of color have experienced a harder climb up the mountain of success in the art world.
  • Carole has experienced people not taking her art seriously as being looked at as attractive.
  • Art is Carole’s “high” never drugs. She feels uplifted from creating and expressing herself.
  • Keeping a journal physically everyday with a pen and paper unlocks ideas and refocuses her. “The Artist’s Way” is a book that she appreciates to understand her purpose and avoid the pitfalls.
  • Carole submits for things at least 10 times a week, even if she doesn’t fit what they are looking for in case her work might fit for what they do in the future.
  • Create from a place from your soul being fulfilled, not for money or for competition.
  • Carole supports other artists she enjoys by giving it exposure through social media.
  • “Art Stories” is a book of illustrations and short stories that Carole is working on allow with new projects, shows, and commissions.
  • “Follow your heART.”

3 Key Points:

  1. Carole’s Recipe for Creation: Observation. Appreciation of beauty she witnesses. Curiosity about that beautiful thing. Intuition and instinct. Desire to create. Implementing creation.
  2. Nature is Carole’s biggest form of inspiration.
  3. Romance your mind, body, and soul creatively by traveling, observing, exploring, and allowing yourself to be inspired. Figure out what you want to contribute to the world

Tweetable Quotes:

–   “L.A. is like a geographical muse of mine for the moment.” – Carole J McCoy.

–   “I have like this recipe for creativity. One is observation. Two: appreciation of what is beautiful that you see. Three is curiosity…Four is intuition…Five is desire…Six is creation.” – Carole J McCoy.

–   “My biggest form of inspiration I would say is nature…Anything you want as an artist is in nature.” – Carole J McCoy.

Resources Mentioned:

  • Website – Keetria’s website for the podcast.
  • LinkedIn – Keetria’s LinkedIn page.
  • Instagram – Carol J McCoy’s Instagram.
  • Facebook – Carol J McCoy’s Facebook.
  • Twitter – Carol J McCoy’s Twitter.

How to Use Music to Inspire Your Creativity and Fuel Your Imagination

Hans Christian Andersen once said, “Where words fail, music speaks.” Music is universal. It transcends language and culture and allows us to communicate with each other through melodies. Music resonates in each one of us and we are born to with a natural affinity for music. Since the day we were born, our first lullaby has connected us to music. From then and until now, music continues to fire up our emotions, move our bodies to dance, and spring us into action.

But can music inspire creativity? The answer is a resounding yes!

According to studies, any music has its effect on us. Whether it’s classical, pop or jazz, the tempo of a song, as well as its major or minor tonality, affects how we feel, which could affect our performance. And the better we feel, the better we perform.

If you’re looking for ways to inspire creativity in your work, play your favorite music and feel it lift you up. Let your mind wander as you listen. Music can unlock creativity and help you with your work.

Here are the benefits of music:

Music makes you happy

If you’re a writer and you’re in a bad mood, your emotion will show in your work. Your writing may come off as angry and cold. To improve your mood, start listening to music that’s upbeat and uplifting, for example, James Brown’s I got you. Play all your favorite music, and soon you will feel the veil of anger lifting from you.

Music can bring powerful emotions

If you’re an artist and you want to add emotion to your work, you can use music to awaken certain feelings within yourself. For example, if you’re tasked to paint a serene landscape, you can listen to soft, classical music to help calm your mind. If you’re designing, let’s say, the cover of a scary horror novel, you may want to play Mussorgsky’s Night on Bald Mountain.

Music can improve performance

If you love to dance, the sound of dance music can make you want to move your body. Music can also refine your movement, timing and coordination. Take for example, the Tango. Many of the moves in this dramatic dance are choreographed and practiced along with the music. This synergy gives the performers a feeling of pleasure from the music as well as the dance itself. Music has also been proven to improve productivity, increase focus and efficiency, and boost performance.

Inspiration from music is real and most of us already instinctively know that music can get our creative juices flowing. Science explains it simply: our brain waves change as we listen to music, and the more relaxed we are, the more creative we get. This fact might be a good one to remember the next time you feel creatively blocked.